About Me

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Of all of life’s many responsibilities, being a father and role model has become my passion! The apple truly does not fall far from the tree. With a five year old and a newborn, I finally asked myself, “What fruit will your tree bear?” From that moment in the summer of 2007, I have dedicated myself to providing a positive, healthy example for my children to witness. Through that commitment, I have found a life that is more rewarding than I could have ever dreamed it to be. It is my hope that with this lifestyle, I will be able to ‘RUN IT FORWARD’.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Building Up to The Goal!

Although I have had the past 17 months of physical progression to hang my hat on, as I stare down the barrel of the next 8 months and 2 days, I find myself excited and cautiously optimistic about the coming demand of juggling life while chasing my new found goal!

January has brought many changes for me. My wife has started back to class, I am now instructing an additional WoW!Bootcamp class, I fill in for the occasional Georgia Basketball game, I have taken over the primary task of delivering my 20 month old daughter to and from "Mother's Morning Out" (which I take offence to, because Dads parent too!), I have officially signed my training life over to the always energetic Kim Dunker, I accepted the secretary possition of the brand new High Shoals Elementary PTO, and I have begun my first two construction projects in almost a year! So time is certainly a rare commodity!

As we all know it is very easy for 'life get in the way' of so many things. When it does, we tend to let the things that are seen as extracuricular or less desired to be the first things to be struck from our schedules. For many, exercise would be the first thing thrown into the category of less desired actitities. If exercise was in the schedule to begin with, it is the first thing to go when time gets tight. Over the years, as so many others have, I let my time be the excuse not to exercise or to interupt my exercise.

Not anymore.

I am an addict. Whether it is fifteen minutes of stretching and ab work or a forty-five minute ride on my bike trainer in the basement while my youngest is taking a nap, I am getting my fix every chance I get! It is the one thing in this crazy time (for all of us) that keeps my wits about me. Everything in my day goes smoother when I've had a chance to exercise! I have more patience with stressful days!

I will admit that training for an endurance race would border on the edge of extracuricular as opposed to generally keeping a healthy lifestyle, however having a goal keeps the motivation elevated. So for now, I will juggle the best I can and just listen to my body which is now telling me to shut it down.

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